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May 04, 2009


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I love this store Judy! I will definitely visit them the next time I am down in Ca.

French Kissed

This store sounds and looks like a great reason to take a drive north. So happy to hear you will be at CALM Santa Barbara. I hope to drop by and say "Hello" as I did not get the opportunity to meet you at your wonderful event.

Jeni Crawford

Oh my gosh Judy, it is so funny that you mentioned that you love rustic and elegant. That was one of the name options I was going to go with when launching my company 3 years ago, Rustic Elegance Interiors. I like a little punch of modern in there as well though and wanted to choose a name that had deep meaning to me so what better choice than my little girls middle names:) Wish I would there and could go treasure hunting with you! Looks like you have some great spots...


My first visit to this shop was about 10 years ago and I was in bliss heaven!!! :o)



What a convergence of events. We were in SLO last week looking for you @ Old Edna's. We had enjoyed a visit at your place 5 or 6 yrs ago. We were also in SB. Now are back at home in No. CA. We love Alameda. The weather can be tricky. Would love to have been able to attend your upcoming show. LT


Hopefully you got some good deals because of all the rain. Love the shop...beautiful!!!


I love Tancredi and Morgan! I can't wait for my next trip to Carmel to visit there. Thanks for the great post, it makes me even more determined to get over there.


I remember reading about them in Victoria several years ago!
Too bad that I'm in TN and they are in CA ~ I'd love to visit!


I read about this store years ago and have saved the tear sheets from it forever. I look for a website from them every now and then so I was s happy to hear they were still in business! I have never been but it is on the list. Thanks for sharing.

Jamie Lewis

Hello Marcia,
I represent a vintage one of a kind jewelry line that I think would be a good fit for your store. Please look at our facebook page at: facebook.com/honeypiecs and let me know if you would like to see the line in person.
Thank you,
Jamie Lewis
Account Manager for Honey Pieces

Chanel j12

It is beautiful and in the middle of no where. We usually, take the kids and hike (well, maybe I don't go hiking, only my husband goes with the gadfirls) and go horseback riding but this year with the baby, I figured I would be stuck in the cabin while my husband was having fun.

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