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October 06, 2009


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very cool...i just got the autumn book in the mail...i will read it and enjoy...she is a very talented individual.
thanks for sharing.

Cindy~My Romantic Home

I just came here via Facebook (Friends of Susan Branch.) I love your blog! I'm going to add you to my favorites!

gina armfield

I love Susan Branch and have all of her books - such a talented lady and I will be making a road trip up with my bff Judi for the show and will buy each of us a calendar - ;)


I've been a fan of Susan's for many, many years! I was at your show last year - was she there shopping? I could have sworn I saw here there...I hope your show is wonderful unfortunately I won't get up there this time. E


susan's work is so great. i don't know many designer's or "who's who in the now, etc. but i was excited that i do know of Susan!


I've been an aficionado of Susan's for countless years on the grounds that she is a particularly talented single..

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